Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Let's try this again...

Okay so this isnt' working out as well as I had planned...
Let's call this the 101th time around.

I have decided to take one day at a time. I am looking at the whole idea of weight loss as the final result. I am never going to get there becuse I keep getting discouraged when I look at where I want to be down the road, after the math. This mind set is not going to work anymore! I am just going to focus on the day that is today. Watch what I am eating in that very moment that I am eating it. And "tough luck" for me I can't stick with it! I must try my hardest, which is very hard to do or my hardest isn't that hard.

This is about me. Where I want to be 20 pounds later. I am done telling others what they should eat and how they should exercise. I am taking my own advice from now on! Sure hope I can remember it.

Writing this blog helps me to get motivated and I hope it can do the same for you.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Skip Day 1, on to Day 2!

Okie Dokie. I forgot to post yeserday so we are just skippin' it!

Today was the first day of freedom! School is OVER. Now I have all the time in the world....but will I use it wisely??

No I probably wont. Sad as it is. :( I just seriously have some serious issues.

Today was a good day. I slept in, went to work from 1-5, saw my sis at 5:15, had sushi with Emilee, went shopping, and lastly had cheesecake. I was doing fine in my day till I ate the cheesecake. After that I started to feel depressed. I want to loose weight but I just cant take it seriously! It is very hard. I just dont know how you people do it. Whats the secret?

It was my first time having sushi. It was amazing! Sushi is officially a "must have" in my diet. It has got to be healthy right?

I DEFINITLY could have done without the cheesecake. The way it made me feel afterwards was not worth it!

Tomorrow is a new day. Going to the gym at 7:30 and I am trying to get my sister in on this adventure. I really need a DDB, Daily Diet Buddy. Sure hope tomorrows eating goes better!


Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Really this is the 100th time I am trying to do this!

Ok. So I want to loose some weight but I just cant keep up with eating right and exercising. This really is the 100th time I am going to attempt weight loss. I am doing this all on my own, which makes it even harder! I have done weight loss with my family before and it was much more successful. Now I am alone and have to count on myself to see me through this. I was thinking to myself, what if I kept a "diary" of all that I eat and how I am exercising. So that's what this is! Hopefully this will help me to get motivated, that is my biggest problem. Motivation! How do all those people out there do it? I am not going to have a trainer or any special diet that costs 50 bucks a month. Its just me, my gym, and the grocery store. Summer is here and I am going to have ALL the time in the world so I want to use it wisely! Look out world cause I am ready to bust some buns, my own of course! And for those of you who may eventually read this: I hope I motivate you to live a healthier life and to attempt whatever it may be even if it is the 100th time around.
