Sunday, March 4, 2012

Today is the day I take the reigns of my life!

Today I am starting the "bikini body 8 week program." I am going to try and keep track of everything I eat and my weigh ins on here. This is going to be quite a challenge for me because I can't stick to a diet for the life of me. This time feels a little different. I might be going away this fall and I want to be fit for my new surroundings. I am determined to do this! I will stick to it as best as I can and hopefully push through and see results. I'm looking to change my life now, not later.

Weight: 179.4
Breakfast: oatmeal
Snack: carrots or apple
Lunch: smoothie
Snack: carrots or apple
Dinner: chicken salad

Warm up
"extreme leg and butt workout Lv 1"

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

I guess you could say this is the 101 time around...

Hello fellow weight losers! I am back at it again. This time its the REAL deal...
I started up again about 2 weeks ago. As of today I have lost one pound. Its not much at all, but its a start! And I am very excited about it. This was exactly the thing I needed to really motivate me to stick with it. I hope that my progress with help you to continue on your weight loss journey. Get out and enjoy the world! Its beautiful out there and you should have no excuse for missing out on it.

Have a Fabulous day!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Let's try this again...

Okay so this isnt' working out as well as I had planned...
Let's call this the 101th time around.

I have decided to take one day at a time. I am looking at the whole idea of weight loss as the final result. I am never going to get there becuse I keep getting discouraged when I look at where I want to be down the road, after the math. This mind set is not going to work anymore! I am just going to focus on the day that is today. Watch what I am eating in that very moment that I am eating it. And "tough luck" for me I can't stick with it! I must try my hardest, which is very hard to do or my hardest isn't that hard.

This is about me. Where I want to be 20 pounds later. I am done telling others what they should eat and how they should exercise. I am taking my own advice from now on! Sure hope I can remember it.

Writing this blog helps me to get motivated and I hope it can do the same for you.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Skip Day 1, on to Day 2!

Okie Dokie. I forgot to post yeserday so we are just skippin' it!

Today was the first day of freedom! School is OVER. Now I have all the time in the world....but will I use it wisely??

No I probably wont. Sad as it is. :( I just seriously have some serious issues.

Today was a good day. I slept in, went to work from 1-5, saw my sis at 5:15, had sushi with Emilee, went shopping, and lastly had cheesecake. I was doing fine in my day till I ate the cheesecake. After that I started to feel depressed. I want to loose weight but I just cant take it seriously! It is very hard. I just dont know how you people do it. Whats the secret?

It was my first time having sushi. It was amazing! Sushi is officially a "must have" in my diet. It has got to be healthy right?

I DEFINITLY could have done without the cheesecake. The way it made me feel afterwards was not worth it!

Tomorrow is a new day. Going to the gym at 7:30 and I am trying to get my sister in on this adventure. I really need a DDB, Daily Diet Buddy. Sure hope tomorrows eating goes better!


Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Really this is the 100th time I am trying to do this!

Ok. So I want to loose some weight but I just cant keep up with eating right and exercising. This really is the 100th time I am going to attempt weight loss. I am doing this all on my own, which makes it even harder! I have done weight loss with my family before and it was much more successful. Now I am alone and have to count on myself to see me through this. I was thinking to myself, what if I kept a "diary" of all that I eat and how I am exercising. So that's what this is! Hopefully this will help me to get motivated, that is my biggest problem. Motivation! How do all those people out there do it? I am not going to have a trainer or any special diet that costs 50 bucks a month. Its just me, my gym, and the grocery store. Summer is here and I am going to have ALL the time in the world so I want to use it wisely! Look out world cause I am ready to bust some buns, my own of course! And for those of you who may eventually read this: I hope I motivate you to live a healthier life and to attempt whatever it may be even if it is the 100th time around.
