Sunday, March 4, 2012

Today is the day I take the reigns of my life!

Today I am starting the "bikini body 8 week program." I am going to try and keep track of everything I eat and my weigh ins on here. This is going to be quite a challenge for me because I can't stick to a diet for the life of me. This time feels a little different. I might be going away this fall and I want to be fit for my new surroundings. I am determined to do this! I will stick to it as best as I can and hopefully push through and see results. I'm looking to change my life now, not later.

Weight: 179.4
Breakfast: oatmeal
Snack: carrots or apple
Lunch: smoothie
Snack: carrots or apple
Dinner: chicken salad

Warm up
"extreme leg and butt workout Lv 1"